CHIBB (Concept House Institute of Construction and Business Administration) bridges the gap between academia and hands-on construction, challenging students to design, build, and inhabit a concept house that redefines eco-living. For several years CHIBB became a community dedicated to shaping the future of green architecture, where your ideas will construct the blueprint for tomorrow's sustainable living standards.











CHIBB Concept House

CHIBB (Concept House Institute of Construction and Business Administration) bridges the gap between academia and hands-on construction, challenging students to design, build, and inhabit a concept house that redefines eco-living. For several years CHIBB became a community dedicated to shaping the future of green architecture, where your ideas will construct the blueprint for tomorrow's sustainable living standards.


2011 - 2016


As an educational leader within Zadkine (later Techniek College Rotterdam) and a network partner of Hogeschool Rotterdam and SUSAteliers, I was responsible for connecting vocational education and higher education to the realisation of the CHIBB project.


To develop an extremely sustainable and innovative residential-commercial building serving as a living lab for sustainability in construction. By doing so guiding and helping educational teams from different places around Rotterdam to work, at first multidisciplinairy and later on interdisciplinairy.

Tasks and Responsibilities

Coordinated the integration of various educational disciplines including construction, plastering, electrical and installation technology, human technology, and carpentry to collaborate on the design, construction, and testing of the CHIBB project together with TU Delft, CoE HRTech and other knowledge and networkpartners.

Core Values in Practice

Sustainability and innovation were central to the design and construction process, with students learning to utilise eco-friendly materials and merging traditional crafts with new technologies. Social innovation was all about  creating professional trust to make implemention possible.

Impact and Results

The project made a tangible contribution to sustainable construction practices and revitalised courses through collaboration in the whole educational and knowledge network. Afterwords lessons learned were evaluated and scaled up within several other fields. Not just from a technical point of view but also from the side of innovation processes and theory of change and Living Labs.

Learning Moments

The importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and practice-oriented education was highlighted by the successful cooperation between RDM Campus, Hogeschool Rotterdam, TU Delft, Community of Rotterdam, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, Woonbron, SUSAteliers, Albeda, and Zadkine.

Skills developed by participants

Program- and projectmanagement, interdisciplinary coordination, strategic planning, and educational development and innovation.


CHIBB website for more comprehensive information about the project.

Website from the CoE HRTech Hogeschool Rotterdam CHIBB at Centre of Expertise Hogeschool Rotterdam Technology

Information brochure on CHIBB: download

Read the dutch presentation on Concept House Village and research agenda by Bert Hooijer

Read the paper on the RDM Campus on ResearchGate

Springer: Silvester, S., Hooijer, B., van Oosterhout, R., van der Kemp, F. (2017). Concept House Village; A Next Step in the Development of Sustainable Housing in the Netherlands. In: Keyson, D., Guerra-Santin, O., Lockton, D. (eds) Living Labs. Springer, Cham.

Additional Information

The CHIBB project explored various research directions over its duration, focusing on themes such as form, construction, integration of flows, materialisation, building physics, comfort, and urban context.

A vision was established for the buildings to be constructed, serving as design guidelines, aiming to replicate the function of CHIBB in a CHIBB+ scenario for testing purposes.

Specific design frameworks were applied, like developing a 'second skin', coupling functions and flows, and using biobased and/or recycled materials with an emphasis on reusability and recycling.

The project had a planned lifespan of four years, influencing design decisions to meet the set frameworks while adopting a rough and rugged structure suitable for reuse and biobased solutions.