FME is the leading Dutch tech industry federation, promoting innovation and representing 220,000 professionals.

FME is the business federation for the technology industry in the Netherlands. With more than 2,200 members from the metal, electronics, electrical engineering and plastics industries, FME represents a sector that employs around 220,000 people.


FME's mission is to promote the business and technological interests of its members both nationally and internationally. FME strives to strengthen the innovative power and competitive position of the Dutch technology industry by offering support in policy-making, market developments and technological progress.


FME sees a future in which the technology industry plays a key role in the economic development and sustainability of society. The organisation believes in creating an environment in which companies can flourish through innovation, sustainable development and strong integration of technology in all aspects of business.


As a social player, FME has an important role in shaping policies that facilitate and support technological progress. It works with government agencies, educational institutions and international partners to promote the interests of its members and advance the sector as a whole. FME is also committed to education and labour development to ensure that the current and future workforce has the skills needed in a rapidly changing technological world.

Download strategic plan 2024-2030

FME is the leading Dutch tech industry federation, promoting innovation and representing 220,000 professionals.

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