DOON cooperative U.A.

DOON cooperative U.A.

Cooperative DOON U.A. connects education and entrepreneurship to promote innovative learning aimed at smart, inclusive and sustainable solutions to complex societal issues.


Cooperative DOON U.A. promotes innovative learning and collaboration between education and entrepreneurship, with the aim of supporting everyone in their personal and professional development.


DOON believes in a future where education and entrepreneurship come together to achieve sustainable progress through practical and innovative learning.

Societal role

As an essential player in bringing together diverse sectors, DOON works on major societal issues. Through events such as makathons, hackathons, ecothons and challenges, DOON promotes active learning and innovation. We design and deploy tools, instruments and methodologies to enable inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations. The main pillars we rest our products and services on are:

  1. Learner & Eco-centered design
  2. Digital & Artificial Intelligence first
  3. Connecting people & knowledge

My involvement

As a partner in Cooperative DOON U.A. under the banner of LeAD GLocal, I contribute to shaping and implementing these initiatives, where my expertise in learning and development,  transdisciplinairy ecosystem design, innovation strategy and transition science are crucial to achieving this mission.

For more details on DOON and the partnership: Coöperatie DOON U.A.

Cooperative DOON U.A. connects education and entrepreneurship to promote innovative learning aimed at smart, inclusive and sustainable solutions to complex societal issues.

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

December 7, 2022

Podium voor Architectuur Haarlemmermeer & Schiphol Airport

Transforming UNESCO World Heritage

Transformation of Fort Aalsmeer, a UNESCO World Heritage site, through circular design! Innovate, collaborate, and lead the way to a sustainable future!

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Multi-Annual Programme Food & Sustainability

January 11, 2020

Food Innovation Academy

Multi-Annual Programme Food & Sustainability

Designed to empower the next generation of innovators, this initiative programme blends cutting-edge educational methods like challenges, hybrid learning, and hackathons with real-world sustainability challenges. By partnering with regional businesses and government bodies, the FIA now offers students hands-on experiences that inspire curiosity and develop essential skills for green transitions. Concept, Design and Guidance of a multi-annual programme for food and sustainability.

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Learning and Innovating in the Regional Context of Nijmegen

December 3, 2018

ROC Nijmegen

Learning and Innovating in the Regional Context of Nijmegen

'Learning and innovating in the Regional Context of Nijmegen' transforms learning and development in Nijmegen through innovative cooperation between education, business and government. Working together, to build a resilient, future-proof society and sustainable labour market.

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Innovation in Nature-Inclusive Farming

Province of North Holland

Innovation in Nature-Inclusive Farming

Discover how "Farmer & Business in Balance" innovates agriculture through interdisciplinary collaboration focused on sustainability and nature inclusiveness.

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Smart Makers Education

May 1, 2016

3D Makers Zone 3DMZ

Smart Makers Education

Smart Makers Education connects education, industry and government for future-oriented, technology-driven maker education in North Holland.

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National Challenge towards a Sustainable Food Chain without Waste

September 2, 2018

DOON cooperative U.A.

National Challenge towards a Sustainable Food Chain without Waste

Launched in 2018, our program annually inspires students within vocational education across the Netherlands to tackle the critical issue of food waste through real-world problem solving and innovative education.

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