3D Makers Zone 3DMZ

3D Makers Zone 3DMZ

3D Makers Zone accelerates digital transformation via cutting-edge tech like 3D printing and AI, fostering industry-wide innovation.


The 3D Makers Zone (3DMZ) is dedicated to driving digital transformation through the application of advanced technologies such as 3D printing, Artificial Intellegence, and the Internet of Things. The goal is to support companies and educational institutions in integrating these technologies for sustainable innovation and efficiency gains.


The 3D Makers Zone's vision is to create a seamless integration of new technologies across all sectors to fully exploit the opportunities of the fourth industrial revolution and promote a sustainable future.

Societal Role

As a recognized Smart Industry Fieldlab, 3DMZ serves as a focal point for collaboration and knowledge sharing between industry, education and government to jointly drive technological advances that contribute to economic growth and societal development.

3DMZ hosts a variety of programs focusing on innovative technologies and their offerings include the Smart Makers Academy for enhancing digital skills, Innovation Lab Water & Nature for environmental solutions, and various collaborative projects with industries such as aviation and automotive. Events like innovation dinners and makathons facilitate knowledge sharing and community engagement.

For more details, please visit their website

See the official opening of the FieldLab on 2017, march 17th:

3D Makers Zone accelerates digital transformation via cutting-edge tech like 3D printing and AI, fostering industry-wide innovation.

Smart Makers Education

May 1, 2016

3D Makers Zone 3DMZ

Smart Makers Education

Smart Makers Education connects education, industry and government for future-oriented, technology-driven maker education in North Holland.

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