Points of Departure Wilhelminapier is A Beacon of Interdisciplinary Learning Embracing Rotterdam's Heritage of New Beginnings











Points of Departure

Points of Departure Wilhelminapier is A Beacon of Interdisciplinary Learning Embracing Rotterdam's Heritage of New Beginnings


2014 - 2015 with an event at 27th - 29th March 2015


Educational leader and co-working partner, involved in conceptualizing and creating multimedia installations with my studentteams to engage the public with the migratory history of Wilhelminapier in Rotterdam and its contemporary significance.


To explore and present the themes of migration and travel through interactive and immersive installations, using the historical backdrop of Wilhelminapier as a narrative anchor.

Duties and Responsibilities

Collaborating with artists and students to design and execute three distinct installations—Archives Installation, Sound-walk, and Horizons Installation—each using digital and interactive technology to interpret and communicate the experience of migration.

Core Values in Practice

Demonstrated creativity, innovation, and respect for history through the use of archival materials and real-time environmental data. Promoted collaboration and diversity by incorporating multiple perspectives and media into the installations.

Impact and Results

Created a multi-sensory experience that connected visitors at the Wilhelminapier Rotterdam with the historical and emotional dimensions of migration, fostering a deeper understanding of its complexities and contemporary relevance.

Learning Moments

Gained insights into the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and the potential of technology to enhance storytelling and historical engagement. Connecting the values of historical, arts and cultural institutions with creative technology and implementing them within vocational education.

Skills developed by participants

Developed skills in digital media production, sound design, and public engagement, and further developing program management and network management.


Acknowledgments to The Patching Zone, students, and all contributors highlight the collaborative effort behind the project, with special mentions for those who provided supervision, technical support, and creative input.

Link the website from the Point of Departure program

Wilhelminapier Rotterdam