Social and Economic Council (SER)

Social and Economic Council (SER)

The Social and Economic Council (SER) is the main advisory council for government and parliament on socio-economic issues.

In the SER, entrepreneurs, employees and independent crown members work together.

The SER is therefore a crucial pillar within the Dutch culture of consultation, acting as an independent advisory body to the government and parliament in the socio-economic field. Established to promote cooperation between employers, employees and independent experts, the SER plays a key role in shaping Dutch socio-economic policy.

With a rich history dating back to 1950, the SER has developed into a platform where representatives of employers' organizations, trade unions and independent experts (crown members) come together to consult, advise and reach consensus on a wide range of topics. These topics include labor market policy, sustainable development, education and training, social security, and economic growth.

The SER's opinions are based on in-depth analysis and dialogue, and are known for their quality and balance. These opinions are not only focused on the short term, but also take into account the long-term vision of Dutch society and economy. As a result, the SER contributes to the creation of a stable, sustainable and inclusive socio-economic climate.

Moreover, the SER plays an active role in promoting dialogue between the social partners and the government, and acts as an important body for self-regulation within the Dutch economy. The SER provides a unique forum for consultation and cooperation between different sectors and interests, which is essential for achieving widely supported solutions.

For clients and cooperation partners, a connection with the SER symbolizes a commitment to constructive dialogue, sustainability and socio-economic development. Cooperation with the SER underlines the importance of joint efforts and responsibility in addressing the challenges facing our society.

The Social and Economic Council (SER) is the main advisory council for government and parliament on socio-economic issues.

National Climate Agreement

November 16, 2017

Social and Economic Council (SER)

National Climate Agreement

Find out how we contributed to the National Climate Agreement through labour market development, training and education. Together, we are preparing the Netherlands for a sustainable future with green jobs and innovative learning programmes.

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