Learn to Eat Young - Jong Leren Eten

Learn to Eat Young - Jong Leren Eten

'Jong Leren Eten' - Learn to Eat Young - makes young people food literate through education about healthy and sustainable food within education and childcare.


'Jong Leren Eten' aims to make young people food literate within education and childcare, by teaching them about healthy and sustainable food. This initiative enables young people to make healthy and sustainable choices for themselves.


The programme envisions a future where youth are aware of their food choices and its impact on their health and the environment. It focuses on integrating food and nutrition education within education.

Societal role

As a collaborative initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), Young Learning to Eat promotes cooperation between the 'green' sustainability domain and the 'white' health domain, focusing on nutrition and education.

For more information, visit the website Jong Leren Eten

'Jong Leren Eten' - Learn to Eat Young - makes young people food literate through education about healthy and sustainable food within education and childcare.

National Challenge towards a Sustainable Food Chain without Waste

September 2, 2018

DOON cooperative U.A.

National Challenge towards a Sustainable Food Chain without Waste

Launched in 2018, our program annually inspires students within vocational education across the Netherlands to tackle the critical issue of food waste through real-world problem solving and innovative education.

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